In everybody’s life a time comes
when questions of the esoteric kind like ‘who or what the hell am I’ and ‘what
the heck I’m doing here anyway, living a life which, save for a few moments
here and there, sucks’ start to flash in the mind. It is a good idea to prepare
oneself, for the inevitable, while still relatively young. Sometimes, and I’ve
seen people like that, at the fag end of one’s life it suddenly hits you hard
that there were perhaps some very vital things which one should have done while the body was still
able and the mind still willing. The ancient Hindu system of dividing a human
life into that of the child, the scholar or learner, the family person and the
seeker, does not hold good now. With babies going to school at age 2 and
marriage and family getting out of fashion and people working well into their
eighties (look at our politicians!), the system is clearly passé. So relegating
the business of seeking for the answers to these niggling questions to a time
when you are in the hold area for meeting your Maker is clearly not in keeping
with the times.
So, while dwelling on such questions I
happened to find Reiki – just like that! It was long back – 12-13 years- when
Reiki was not as common knowledge as it is now, I was reading about it on the
Net and wondering about it when suddenly a senior colleague mentioned it on the
office lunch table and said his wife was a teacher and I could perhaps talk to
her. I could have been dropped by a feather. But now I am wiser and am not
surprised when people relate such incidents. There is much credence to the
saying ‘when you are ready the Guru appears’. Well to cut a long story short, I
found an amazing teacher who gave me the tools to find meaning in my life. My
life changed, my thinking changed and my body changed – in the reverse order. I
was having a hard time coping with the Mumbai life style – commuting and
walking distances while the humid weather aggravated arthritic joint pains,
eating out too much and trying to do too many things, which the body was not
accustomed to. I remember my legs used to feel like lead, the days I had to
walk from Churchgate to Madame Cama Road. The first day of my Reiki initiation
was like a magical day because that day I RAN UP the stairs of Dadar Station,
where I had to go to receive somebody, after the Reiki class and was running
My thinking may have changed, but
that did not change the fact that I wanted to understand why Reiki affected me
(and others) the way it did. Thus started my spiritual quest and trying to find
answers in science to reassure myself that I was not hallucinating and fooling
myself into believing what was not there. Reiki is a simple hands-on healing
technique using the Universal Life Force Energy which is all pervasive. At the
quantum level the human body (as everything else) is just vibrating energy,
even though we feel oh so solid. Our
physical (and mental) health is dependent on how freely the energy is
vibrating. By channelling the Reiki energy into a body and exposing it to its
higher vibratory frequency the Healer is able to remove energy blocks which
cause dis-ease. Incidentally these blocks are generated due to our faulty
thoughts and emotions. This brings me to the 5 Principles of Reiki which guide us
to think right and stay positive so that these energy blocks are not generated.
The Five Principles of Reiki
- Just for today, I will be in the attitude of gratitude.
- Just for today I will not worry.
- Just for today I will not anger.
- In your daily work be honest (true) to yourself.
- Just for today, I will be kind and respectful to all of creation.
For most of us living life in the
fast lane these look rather simplistic and a little redundant, but, to lead a
relatively healthy and happy life we need to balance the stress, the bad
habits, as also just entropy – you know – the fact that our bodies are aging
and dying a little each day we need a tool like Reiki. Even reminding ourselves
everyday of these, on the face of it simple but truly life changing, principles
can bring consciousness back in our life.
Leading life consciously is the best anyone can do actually – ie being
aware and accountable for all your thoughts and actions.
The Master
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Dr Mikao Usui |
Choosing your teacher is the main
thing, because thereafter it is all very simple. Never go to a person promising
to attune you in a few hours. Only go to someone who carries the essence of
Reiki in his/her bearing ie is joyful and open and makes you feel peaceful and
relaxed. Learn from a teacher who teaches Reiki in the traditional method over
2 days and is able to trace his/her lineage to Dr Usui. Now about Dr Usui – Dr
Mikao Usui, a Shingon Buddhist priest and a physician was the founder of the
modern day Reiki movement. He rediscovered and modified some practices from an
ancient Budhist manuscript The Tantra Of
The Lightening Flash That Heals The Body And Illumines The Mind for the
benefit of the common people. He created an essence of this seven level of
Tantric teaching into 3 degrees of Reiki and shared it with many people. The
more subtle practices, however, he only taught to 19 of his chosen students,
the foremost being Dr Hayashi and Dr Watanabe.
The Chakras
To practice Reiki what one is required to do is just place ones
hands on the chakras of the person seeking healing or the self – yeah! That’s
it. So what are chakras? The yogic tradition talks about the etheric or energy
body. Everything is imbued with energy and has an Aura. The human body has been
observed to have 7 layers in its auric field. Each layer has its own function
and is associated with a Chakra. The Chakras are funnel shaped vortices of
energy which correspond to the major nerve plexuses of the physical body. Each
of the 7 major Chakras in front of the body is paired with its counterpart on
the back of the body except for the Chakras One (Root or Muladhara) and Seven
(Crown or Sahasrara) which are open ended. These two form the two ends of the
main energy conduit called the Kundalini which moves parallel to the spine. The
function of the Chakras is to exchange energy with the Universal Energy Force;
therefore, they are required to be unblocked and open to draw in this Energy
One would think that it would be
ideal to have all the Chakras fully open freely interacting with this all
pervading, all knowing Consciousness called the Universal Life Force Energy
(ULFE), but it is not up every ones street to be able to take in and process
this energy. That is why the body and mind is required to be prepared and in
keeping with each ones growth the Chakras open up to let in this Supreme
Intelligence. Moreover, we block our Chakras (subconsciously) whenever we
refuse to experience something – emotions, feelings, life experiences. When a
Reiki channel lays his/her hand on a Chakra the ULFE is gently channelled
through the Chakra helping the person to resolve the issues which were creating
a block. The more the Chakras open up and draw in energy the healthier and
happier we feel.
The Root or Mooladhara
Chakra is located at the base of the spine and has 4 minor chakras
in its vicinity therefore its symbol is a four petaled lotus; its element is
earth, colour a fiery red. It corresponds to the root/pelvic or coccygeal
plexus and the adrenal or suprarenal gland. It controls the following physical
organs and glands – muscular and skeletal system, the spine, the adrenal gland,
blood, body heat, general vitality, growth (of children), kidneys. It controls
the following mental aspects – self protection, survival instinct, fear,
insecurity. The following diseases may manifest in case the root chakra is not
functioning well – arthritis, ailments of the spine and of blood, bone cancer,
leukaemia, allergies, low vitality, slow healing of wounds and broken bones and
children’s growth may be hampered. The
sense of touch is associated with it. When balanced the person feels secure and
rooted, when not the persons thought and action revolve around material possessions,
security and basic animal needs. If the chakra is blocked the person is weak
and devoid of physical and emotional stamina.
The Hara or
Swadhishthana Chakra is located near the sacrum or pubic area,
slightly below the navel and has 6 minor chakras in its vicinity, therefore its
symbol is a six petaled lotus, its element is water, colour orange. It
corresponds to the sacral, hypogastric or aortic plexus and the gonads. It
controls the following physical organs – sex glands and sexual organs, kidneys,
adrenal glands, controls BP, lower parts of the liver, pancreas, spleen, and
intestines, bladder, excretion and the uterus. It controls the following mental
aspects – desire and craving for sexual and other sensual pleasures, seat of
the negative feeling of guilt, hurt and frustration. The following diseases may
manifest in case the hara is not functioning well – sex related problems, high
BP, back problems, kidney problems, bladder ailments, constipation. When harmonious,
one experiences a natural flow in life. During puberty often a misbalance of
this chakra causes a state of uncertainty in the sexual expression of the
The Solar Plexus or Manipura
Chakra is located slightly above the navel and below the ribs and
has 10 minor chakras in its vicinity its element is fire, colour yellow. It
corresponds to the solar, or coeliac plexus and the pancreas. It controls the
following physical organs – stomach, liver, pancreas, spleen, gall bladder,
diaphragm, intestines, and to some extent the adrenal glands, heart and lungs.
It controls the following mental aspects – ego, craving for name, fame, status,
power, control, high ambitions and aggressiveness, negative emotions like
anger, jealousy, envy, hatred, greed, violence and cruelty. The following
diseases may manifest in case the solar plexus is not functioning well – digestive
disorders, ulcer, constipation, diabetes, hepatitis, jaundice, colitis,
diarrhoea, skin problems and allergies, heart problem and high BP, asthma. A balanced
chakra produces peace and inner harmony and when malfunctioning it gives rise
to control issues in a person. A depleted or blocked third chakra makes one
feel dejected and discouraged.
The Heart Chakra or
Anahata is located in the centre of the chest and has 12 minor
chakras in its vicinity its element is air, colour leaf green. It corresponds
to the cardiac plexus. It controls the following physical organs – thymus
gland, circulatory system, heart and lungs. It controls the following mental
aspects – love and compassion and is the centre for higher and refined emotions.
The following diseases may manifest in case the heart chakra is not functioning
well – heart and circulatory ailments, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and
other lung ailments. An open heart chakra makes a person compassionate and
makes one radiate warmth and happiness whereas a disbalanced heart chakra is
not able to receive and reciprocate love. Blocked heart chakra can make a
person vulnerable or cold and indifferent to others.
The Throat or Vishddhi
Chakra is located in the centre of the throat and has 16 minor
chakras in its vicinity its element is ether or space, colour sky blue. It
corresponds to the pharyngeal, cervical or bronchial plexus. It controls the
following physical organs – throat, larynx, trachea, thyroid and para-thyroid
glands, lymphatic system, arms, hands, mouth, tongue and neck. It controls the
following mental aspects – communication, speech, self expression, creativity
and aesthetics. The following diseases may manifest in case the throat chakra
is not functioning well – goitre, sore throat, speech or voice problems,
tonsillitis, and cervical pain. The senses of hearing, smell and taste are
associated with it. An open and harmonious fifth chakra makes one expressive
and communicative but a disharmonious chakra can make an eloquent person
manipulative. Insufficient or blocked chakra can make a person shy and
withdrawn. It will prevent the person from expressing his/her true self and potential
and may get limited to the inane and the trivial.
The Third Eye or Ajna
Chakra is located between the eyebrows and has 96 minor chakras in
its vicinity. Its colour is indigo. It corresponds to the cavernous or
nasociliary plexus. It controls the following physical organs and glands – hypothalamus,
pituitary and other endocrine glands, autonomic nervous system and lower brain
and the left eye. It controls the following mental aspects – intuition,
intellect, occult powers, ESP. The following diseases may manifest in case the ajna
chakra is not functioning well – diseases related to the endocrine glands and
those of the autonomic nervous system and lower brain, hearing, sight and
smell, sinusitis and swollen adenoids. The sense of sight is associated with it
including the extra-sensory. A harmonious sixth chakra expresses itself in an
active mind and intellect. However the entire range of possibilities of an open
Third Eye is impossible to enumerate. A disharmonious chakra is mostly
identified by an over emphasis on the mental sphere. Intellectual arrogance and
lack of spiritual understanding are manifestations of this. A blocked sixth
chakra can make a person confused and forgetful incapable to think beyond the
mundane, lacking spiritual connection.
The Crown or Sahasrara
Chakra is located at the top of the head and has 972 minor chakras
in its vicinity; therefore its symbol is the thousand petaled lotus and the
name Sahasra meaning thousand in Sanskrit. Its colour is violet/white. It
controls the following physical organs and glands – the pineal gland, upper or
higher brain and the right eye. It controls the following mental aspects –
cosmic consciousness and the right eye. The following diseases may manifest in
case the crown chakra is not functioning well – diseases related to the pineal
gland and cerebral cortex. The sense of sight is associated with it too. The crown
chakra is deemed to be the seat of human perfection and in the yogic tradition
the ultimate goal of a human life is to be able to open this chakra so that the
‘yoga’ can happen with the divine. When the crown chakra is fully awakened no
blockage of energy can remain and all the other chakras start vibrating at
their highest frequencies, the absorption of energy from the universe will not
be necessary instead the person will be radiating energy. This is the state of enlightenment
all of humanity aspires to, either consciously or unconsciously. The crown
chakra can also be in disbalance and result in conditions of spiritual
addiction where a person uses it as an escape from responsibilities or over
intellectualisation without wisdom, a bane of the modern, specially western civilisation.
This is a process used by the
Reiki Master to initiate a person to Reiki. It helps to open the initiates
crown, heart and palm chakras to the ULF Energy ie Reiki. As this energy
settles and clears the channels a lot of toxic release takes place. My Teacher
had given us a 21 days cleansing period, during which we practiced Reiki on
ourselves, after which all of us had some experiences to report. Some rather
hair raising! I remember one lady told us about a break-in into her house while
she was inside. A young man broke in and
threatened her with a knife. So while this man was asking for the keys to her
safe the lady thought of testing her new found powers. She started transmitting
Reiki through repetition of intention as taught to us in class and started
talking to the man calmly. The man had a change of heart and started crying and
telling her, his own story of misery and poverty. So she fed him and gave him
some money and sent him on his way. More than the story I was touched by the
lady’s demeanour that day. She was of course shaken but also elated to have had
such an amazing experience. I realised Reiki (and all spiritual teaching)
intends you to experience life with love and without fear – that, I realised, is
the purpose of everyones life.
Incidentally with Reiki you not
only heal people but also other live as well as inanimate objects and
situations. We used to have a field day trying it on traffic lights, the rain
clouds, charging torch cells! You name it, we have tried them all. Once we
travelled from Mumbai to Mahabaleshwar and back on a car leaking gear oil
without any incident, just giving Reiki to our car. In retrospect I think it
was more about feeling empowered and connected to everything that was
important. Here I should mention an important scientific fact which makes all
this believable.
The Holographic Universe
In 1982, the year when I got into
the very mundane business of earning a living, a great discovery took place.
Alain Aspect a physicist discovered that under certain circumstances, subatomic
particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each
other whether a mile or a million miles apart, which negated Einstein’s theory
that nothing can travel faster than light. David Bohm, another famous
physicist, gave a radical explanation for this that despite its apparent solidity
the Universe in fact is a gigantic Hologram, which implies that objective
reality as we see it does not exist (the Vedas have called it 'Maya' meaning illusion). This theory has since been observed to be
correct. A Hologram is a three-dimensional picture, taken using laser beams,
which no matter how many pieces you cut into will always show the whole
picture. Therefore what we view as separate particles may in fact not be
separate at all. If we can visualise
this world view the interconnectedness of everything will be apparent to us and
being able to connect to ‘another’ through energy will not seem so farfetched.
Ailments and their underlying causes
Ailments and their underlying causes
Article by Sumita
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